Thirty-five doctors from the city of Maputo, who have already suffered salary cuts since May 2023, and without just cause, also saw their classifications changed from 1st to 2nd class. The doctors are part of a group already with permanent appointments and career promotion, and with more than seven to 12 years of service. The group was classified at the lowest level of a recently graduated doctor, with less than a year in public service. The injured parties presented their complaints to the City Health Services, the State Secretariat and the Human Resources Directorate of the Ministry of Health (MISAU), but without response. Because of these problems, the group is preparing for a new doctors’ strike that the Medical Association is doing everything it can to stop. Contacted by “Carta”, the Ministry of Health said it had not received any information from the City Health Department about the real motivations of the 35 doctors, but promised to assess the situation. However, in a conversation with the Spokesperson of the Medical Association of Mozambique, Napoleão Viola, he confirmed that he was aware of this information and assured that it was not just doctors from the city of Maputo, but from across the country. “We have been monitoring these situations. But as far as I know, there is no intention to stop activities. There is a desire to see the matter resolved”, he explained. Viola recalled that this is a widespread situation that has arisen since the last strike, and is not just for colleagues in the city of Maputo. “There are many cases of this nature that were detected in May last year and, unfortunately, to this day they have not yet been completely resolved. However, within the scope of the negotiations we are carrying out with the Government, there is a roadmap that has been defined for solution of these cases and, until now, it has not been exhausted. Therefore, it is expected that this or next month the situation will be completely resolved”, he stressed. He detailed that these were colleagues who had their administrative data written incorrectly, which stated that they were already being paid within a new professional category to which they are entitled. However, the administrative act did not clearly state that they moved to a new professional category. The source revealed that the correction of the detected anomalies is currently underway and there is no intention on the part of the injured parties to move towards a strike, justifying that “our focus is on dialogue with the Government to resolve these aspects”. (M.Afonso) Source: Carta de Moçambique

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