Feed the Future Value Chain is recruiting a Consultant Business Advisor (m/f), to be based in Nampula, Mozambique.

  • The objective is conduct analysis looking at prices and costs, fair pricing and propose a way to share risks across the companies involved in delivering spraying services to smallholder farmers. This will include the output buyer, the chemical company (Bayer) and the service provider
  • Through interviews with input providers, suppliers and existing local professional spray service providers, research and details costs, markups and risks for each player in the supply chain
  • Using these cost data, approximate a fair price per unit area (e.g., hectare) and/or per unit time (e.g., day) for the spraying service
  • Determine average number of days (level of effort) required to spray a unit area throughout the cultivation period
  • Use level of effort and fair price to determine approximate amount of credit a service provider should be able to extend to a farmer, considering cycles in working capital
  • Devise a means to measure service provider performance (to be used to settle disputes in the event of crop failure or underperformance), specifically
  • Design a ratings system for farmers to score services rendered by providers, considering that results may take several days or more following service provision to assess
  • Determine means by which the sprayer service provider’s performance can be linked to crop performance (e.g., service provider performance has no bearing on crop failure due to drought or other climatic catastrophe, but a crop-devastating pest infestation or inadequate weed control may be linked to service provider performance)
  • Discuss with local banks and crop insurance providers the options available, if any, and related cost to guarantee payments to service providers
  • Discuss with output buyer and service provider the options to issue a phased-out credit guarantee for service providers and a potential credit guarantee program for service providers to purchase replacement sprayers in the future
  • Considering farmers will pay for services after money is received from the harvest, using information compiled from the above activities, propose a risk-sharing scheme between service provider, output buyer, spraying service providers and farmers to ensure equitable payment to service providers
  • Propose payment options for the professional spray providers (commissions based on agro chemicals sold, product and service bundling
  • Experience in designing performance evaluation systems
  • Experience with the Insurance sector products and services
  • Experience in using data and study analyses to determine fair prices
  • Experience with negotiation with financial actors to create solutions to farmers
  • Only short listed applicants will be contacted
  • A brief work plan for this activity, including a detailed suggested calendar for the delivery of the spraying services
  • Power point presentation that includes – total costs for professional spray service providers and fair price per unit area/per time; credit requirements and a proposal for credit risk sharing; proposal on payment options and guarantee program for service providers;  recommendation to measure service provider performance
  • Present findings to FtF Inova


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Como posso candidatar-me a vagas através do emprego.co.mz?

Ler artigo



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