The Minister of Education and Human Development, Carmelita Namashulua, defends that Covid-19 “has worsened the situation of lack of classrooms in the country”. The thesis was advocated this Monday, during the opening of the Global Action Week for Education for All (SAGEPT), which takes place under the motto “One billion voices for financing education”. According to data presented by the government official, until the outbreak of the new coronavirus pandemic, the country had 9,766 classes that studied outdoors and 20,950 classrooms with precarious material. With the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, the scenario worsened, however, the source did not advance to the current stage. According to Namashulua, another situation that aggravates the lack of classrooms in the country is the terrorist attacks taking place in Cabo Delgado province, as well as military attacks carried out by the self-proclaimed Renamo Military Junta, in Manica and Sofala provinces. “These factors force the sector to raise more financial resources for the construction of classrooms, acquisition of portfolios and teaching materials, living up to the motto «education financing». The formation of human capital requires a large investment, which is why we ask for all stakeholders for greater awareness and advocacy so that funding education becomes a priority for all of us,” said the head of Education. Due to this situation, the Minister of Education and Human Development stated that, at this moment, the construction of temporary rooms using wood and zinc is in progress throughout the country, while the rooms are being built with conventional and definitive material. (Marta Afonso) Source: Carta de Moçambique

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