Just like schools, restaurants, shopping centers and other crowded places, museums around the world have had to close with the arrival of Covid-19 . With the relaxation of measures, museums have come to know new days, opening to the public within all measures to prevent covid-19. Museums are far from knowing the normal days before the pandemic. The Museum of Natural History in Maputo, before of the pandemic a day received more than five people, today it is difficult to reach a dozen. To reach the world, the Museum of Natural History in Maputo, had to adopt the use of digital platforms, as explained by Valente Pinto of the environmental education sector in this Museum. The National Currency Museum, also recent from the same problems that arise from covid-19, also use social networks to attract more visitors to the museum, explains curator Jorge Anselmo. The fortress in the city of Maputo, at this moment registers also a reduced rate of visitors. Adelaide Munguambe. This Tuesday is International Museum Day, celebration of the date that has been held since May 18, 1977. (RM) Source: Rádio Moçambique Online

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