
Participatory Climate Vulnerability Analysis (PCVA) for the CBA-SCALE Southern Africa+ Project: Scaling up Community Action for Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Southern Africa and Beyond

SSC Combined Graduate Level Examination

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Care International is recruiting for a Participatory Climate Vulnerability Analysis (PCVA) for the CBA-SCALE Southern Africa+ Project: Scaling up Community Action for Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Southern Africa and Beyond, to be based in Maputo, Mozambique.
  • Founded in 1945, CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere) is a leading humanitarian and development organization in a worldwide movement dedicated to ending global poverty and injustice to help create a more equal and gender-just world. As a global leader, CARE seeks a world of hope, tolerance, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live with dignity and security
  • CARE began its work in Mozambique in 1984, providing large-scale, emergency humanitarian assistance to communities affected by the protracted war between government and rebel forces. Since the end of the war in 1992, CARE has responded to people’s needs in the areas of health, water and sanitation, agriculture, as well as economic empowerment and food assistance. Considering Mozambique’s vulnerability to climate related hazards, its operations have expanded into disaster risk reduction and response
  • Background and Project Overview Southern Africa is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate. Over the last few years, several projects have promoted community-adaptation (CBA) across the region, to reduce local vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. However, local authorities still lack knowledge on community-based adaptation as well as the required resources for its implementation. In many cases, local processes are disconnected from national processes. We will take an integrated, participatory, and inclusive approach to implementation that will help to bridge the gap
  • The Community-Based Adaptation: Scaling up Community Action for Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Southern Africa and Beyond (CBA-SCALE Southern Africa+) was designed to intervene at multiple levels to scale up CBA implementation, an effective strategy for building resilience to climate change in an inclusive, genderresponsive, and nature-based manner. The project aims to support 99 communities (500,000 people) in Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe to ensure that they are actively managing climate-related risks linked to human security, livelihoods, and food security. In Mozambique, the project will target 40 communities in the districts of Vilanculo, Inhassoro, Mabote and Govuro
  • The project will work with communities to support CBA planning and implementation, with a strong emphasis on building local capacities beyond the life of the project. Alongside direct engagement of communities and local organizations in CBA planning and implementation, as well as work with decision makers at national and sub-national levels to ensure that policies, plans, and resources are in place for implementation of CBA actions at scale over the longer term. The impact in the three countries will be amplified by documentation and dissemination of learning through a variety of channels, including media, knowledge products, peer learning processes and outreach at national, regional, and international events
  • Although the CBA SCALE Southern Africa+ project is being implemented in three different countries, it follows a unified project design with no country-specific objectives. The following measures (three work packages) will be implemented in all countries:
  • Work Package 1
  • Seeks to strengthen the planning
    and implementation of inclusive,
    gender-responsive and naturebased CBA actions
  • Methodologies for
    community engagement
  • Participatory climate
    vulnerability analysis (PCVA)
  • Participatory community
    adaptation action plans
  • Participatory scenario
    planning (PSP)
    Finance, inputs, training, and
    other support for
    implementation of CAAPs
  • Mechanisms for outreach and
    exchange of knowledge and
    experiences on CBA
    neighboring communities
  • Work Package 2
  • Focuses on creating an enabling environment for implementation of CBA actions
  • Analyse regional, national and sub-national policy and planning processes
  • Capacity building for local civil society organizations and government institutions
  • Vertical integration between national and sub-national adaptation policy and planning processes
  • Influence policy and planning processes to promote an enabling environment for CBA
  • Influence policy processes to facilitate access to climate finance
  • Work Package 3
  • Captures learning with the goal of driving increased support for and replication of inclusive, genderresponsive and nature-based CBA
  • Participatory monitoring, evaluation, reflection, and learning (PMERL) systems
  • Document success, failures and lessons learned from CBA action
  • Share CBA knowledge and experiences at international, regional, and national events
  • Training for journalists to enhance and disseminate CBA reporting
  • Peer learning between national governments and other stakeholder
  • The project will strengthen both supply and demand for effective and equitable CBA planning, by institutionalizing approaches with partners and governments at all levels, and by decentralizing CBA decisionmaking and resources. Institutions will then have the tools, knowledge and motivation to continue demanding and supplying inclusive, gender-responsive, and nature-based CBA. Target communities will continue to benefit beyond the project by having acquired the knowledge and skills to manage their own climate resilience. The impact of the project activities will be felt beyond the direct beneficiaries through more diversified livelihoods that rely less on agriculture
  • At the core of this intervention is community-based adaptation which has four key components: 1) the promotion of climate-resilient livelihoods strategies in combination with income diversification where appropriate, and capacity building for planning and improved risk management; 2) Disaster risk reduction strategies to reduce the impacts of increasing climate-related natural disasters, particularly on vulnerable individuals and households; 3) strengthening local adaptive capacity in local communities and local civil society government institutions to better support communities in their adaptation efforts, and 4) local and national level empowerment, advocacy and social mobilization to address the underlying causes of vulnerability such as poor governance and social and gender inequalities and influence policies
Mozambique Context
  • Mozambique is Africa’s most vulnerable country to climate change, a country which previously recorded cyclones and other climate shocks over a period of years, changing weather patterns have seen Mozambique exposed to weather events such as cyclones, tropical storms, floods, and drought on a yearly basis. Between 2019 and the first quarter of 2023, the south-eastern African country has registered 2 tropical storms and 5 cyclones, with the most recent being that of Cyclone Freddy – an exceptionally long-lived, powerful, and deadly storm that traversed the southern Indian Ocean for more than five weeks in February and March 2023. Freddy is both the longest-lasting and highest-ACE-producing tropical cyclone ever recorded worldwide, additionally it is the third-deadliest tropical cyclone in the Southern Hemisphere, only behind 2019’s Cyclone Idai which also hit Mozambique
  • While communities in Mozambique’s coastal and inland districts rely on nature-based economies vulnerable to increased flooding, sea-level rise, cyclones, and erosion. Approximately 10% of the coastline was lost during the 2019 cyclone season, significantly affecting fisheries and coastal smallholders. In the Great Limpopo Biodiversity Corridor, areas in the hinterland affected by droughts (Mabote, Govuro) and on the cost by floods, cyclones, and erosion (Inhassoro, Vilanculo) were selected. Increasing population pressure, including those relocating from damaged coastline, drives inland demand for land and natural resources. While national policies seek to accelerate climate resilience and protect ecosystems (27% of Mozambique is now under conservation) capacity and financial gaps prevent action at district and district to community levels
About the Participatory Climate Vulnerability Analysis (PCVA) Approach
  • CBA Scale+ will engage communities, local governmental institutions, and civil society in adaptation planning processes and – critically – work towards the implementation of inclusive, gender-responsive, and naturebased CBA actions. However, a first step to developing these actions is to better understand the present context of current and future climate risks, biodiversity threats, the gender and social context, and conflict risks within the project sites. This foundational knowledge can enable an assessment of the suitability of potential adaptation interventions and plans for each site. The participatory climate vulnerability analysis (PCVA) is the right approach to get this foundational knowledge
  • The PCVA explores six areas/contexts of focus to provide a holistic understanding of each landscape namely Biodiversity, Climate, Governance, Gender & Social, Conflict and Adaptation Potential. The PCVA relies on information collected from desk-based or secondary research and participatory engagement processes with communities. As such, gathering the information to answer the questions in the assessment involves a combination of secondary research, key informant interviews and participatory research involving women, men, and organisations from communities located in the project area
  • For the success of the project there is a need to conduct a Participatory Climate Vulnerability Analysis (PCVA) in the project target areas. To ensure the strong integration of the gender component, in the context of this project we will be referring to the Gender Sensitive Participatory Climate Vulnerability Analysis (GPCVA), or simply Gender sensitive PCVA
  • The gender-sensitive approach is emphasized in the “Gender Sensitive Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis Practitioner’s Guide” (2014), which was initially release in 2009 and has evolved over time, with emphasis on its adaptation and application for more gender-sensitive way
  • The GCVCA is a community-level participatory and inclusive analysis that analyze how climate change and shocks result in differential impact for women and men which in turn informs community-led adaptation strategy development process, including the community action contingency and adaptation plans
About the Consultancy
  • Using the agreed PCVA framework, CARE in collaboration with IUCN and other project consortium members in the country, will lead the process. Lead agencies will coordinate partners, Local Implementing Partners (LIPs), local authorities, and CBO partners in conducting PCVAs, according to each partners’ strength. PCVA involves quantitative and qualitative data collection, including desk reviews of existing climate data, vulnerability assessments and relevant research, key informant interviews and participatory focus group discussions that consult a range of stakeholders representing different groups by for example gender, socio-economic status, livelihoods. The data collected is analyzed to understand the dynamics of vulnerability in the target communities, identifying areas and ecosystems that are particularly exposed to climate risks, livelihood vulnerabilities, and social inequalities that exacerbate vulnerability for different groups. Existing capacities for adaptation are also assessed. The analysis will be multi-level, looking at local, sub-national, and national factors that influence vulnerability and adaptive capacity at community level
  • The findings of the analysis will be used to inform the CAAP process, as well as the activities under WP2 and WP3
  • Proposed activities The consultancy will be focused on desk-based/secondary research and partially on participatory research:
  • A.1. Conduct Desk-based research: The consultant will collect and review the existing documents to compile relevant information on climate, ecosystems, and livelihoods. Documents that may be useful for this process may include:
  • Climate change reports, including National Communications to the UNFCCC, vulnerability assessment reports for the project area and/or reports presenting observations of changes to date and/or future projections of climate change
  • Ecosystem assessment reports, previous gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) assessments, existing conflict analyses relevant or focused on the project areas
  • Reports and monitoring information from past or ongoing conservation, gender and development, or climate adaptation projects in the study area
  • Local government natural resource management, gender and development, and climate change adaptation plans
  • National policies and planning documents, including National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) report and other adaptation plans, national gender policies or strategies as well as plans for natural resource management or conservation
  • Partner documents including prior project evaluations and assessments with relevant information on the six thematic areas mentioned above
  • The consultant will be responsible for the Documents collection. Proponents should include in their technical proposal the list of documents that will be collected and analyzed for purpose. The final list will be discussed and approved by the project team
  • A.2: On Participatory research: the consultant will train local authorities and relevant local organizations (e.g. disaster management actors, women’s associations, youth groups, etc.) to participate in and conduct PCVAs. This includes training trainers to build a pool of local trainers in the targeted communities
  • Conduct a literature review and desk-based research (collect and review the existing documents to compile relevant information on climate, ecosystems, and livelihoods) – A report of literature review and desk-based research process containing:
  • The summary of collected information in all six areas/contexts of focus (Biodiversity, Climate, Governance, Gender & Social, Conflict and Adaptation Potential)
  • Recommendations on which information still needs to be collected and/or validated through field-based data collection and key informant interviews
  • Reviewed assessment questions based on secondary research and commendation on data collection tool
  • Development of training manual which will be used to conduct the Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop – Approved training manual
  • Facilitate a Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop on the PCVA using the approved training manual. – Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop report
  • Provide TA on field data collection process – N/A
  • Validation of findings and reporting – A final report of the whole PCVA process. Among other aspects, the report should address the PCVA questions previously prepared with clear recommendations regarding the integration of findings into the broader project activities and any coordination with local partners and authorities
  • In accordance with the list of responsibilities and deliverables above, the consultant will not conduct fieldbased data collection (focus group discussions nor Key informant interviews), this will be done by the project Team and Trainers No charges are expected for data collectors. For the field data collection process, the consultant will be responsible for providing specific technical assistance to the project/field Team and Trainers during the data collection, based on the needs
  • As per the table above, the Task should be completed in 18 (eighteen) days of work (these are countable and payable days), and the period for completing all work will be agreed upon signing the
    contract, which shall not be more than 45 calendar days. Additional days will only be approved upon a previously submitted request for verifiable technical reasons beyond the consultant’s control. The project cannot grant more than 2 days regardless of the reasons
Budget coverage and Logistics Considerations
  • Proponents must submit financial proposals that include costs related to the provision of consultancy services considering the Timeline and Deliverables information in section 3.2
  • No logistical expenses are expected in the financial proposals, as CARE will ensure the logistics of up to 2 team members during the Facilitation of the Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop and the PCVA report validation workshop, both taking place at Inhambane Province
  • For team members who are abroad, the project can only provide logistics for one member from abroad and one internal member. The logistical facilities mentioned above include:
  • Flights/transport from/to Inhambane (limited to project budget line availability)
  • Accommodation and Perdiems (in Inhambane Province)
  • Venue hire, and catering services (in Maxixe during the PCVA Training of Trainers and the PCVA workshops)
  • Printing of materials (Any PCVA Material needed during the PCVA process) The logistics arrangements above are based on internal rates for national and international travels Any other related expenses considered relevant should be foreseen in the financial proposal, considering the budget limits under section V. Any expenses not foreseen in the budget proposal, and which are considered specifically relevant, will require prior authorization from CARE and will follow a reimbursement system, observing specific internal administrative procedures
  • The selected consultant or team of consultants should be able to prove:
  • Education: at least a master’s or an advanced university degree in related fields (gender, community development, ecosystems, livelihoods)
  • Strong facilitation skills
  • Familiarity and preferably experience with CARE’s GCVCA tool and related CBA Framework
  • Understanding of context, policies, frameworks and strategies regarding climate change and DRR in Mozambique
  • Previous experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative assessments, surveys using participatory approaches
  • Experience of conducting qualitative assessments using a gender lens
  • The candidate should have proven experience in Climate Change Adaptation/Disaster Risk Reduction and resilience programming or work
  • Languages: Fluency in English and Portuguese. Proficiency in the local language is an advantage
  • Good understanding of the project target area particularly the Inhambane Province and selected districts
  • Competencies and skills: proven ability to carry out research and to write technical papers, showing analytical and innovative perspectives, ability to engage with local partners and facilitate and propose solutions
  • Experience in similar assignments for CARE Mozambique, any other CARE Member or for any other INGOs
  • Availability and willingness to travel immediately, upon signature of the contract
  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and flexibility
Evaluation Criteria
  • CARE will evaluate all proposals based on the following criteria. To ensure consideration for this Request for Proposal, your proposal should be complete and include all of the following criteria:
  • Overall Proposal Suitability: proposed solution(s) must meet the scope and needs included herein and be presented in a clear and organized manner
  • Previous Work and Awards: Bidders will be evaluated on examples of their work pertaining to the requirement as well as client testimonials and references
  • Technical Expertise and Organizational Experience: Bidders must provide descriptions and documentation of staff technical expertise and experience. Bidders also need to provide their experiences as an organization which include but not limited to years of experiences, financial stability, expertise, and edge to other competitors
  • Value and Cost: Bidders will be evaluated on the cost of their solution(s) based on the work to be performed in accordance with the scope of this project. The Procuring Entity shall award the Contract to the Bidder whose offer has been determined to be the bestevaluated bid and is substantially responsive to the Bidding Documents, provided further that the Bidder is determined to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily. At the time the Contract is awarded, the Procuring Entity reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity of goods without any change in the unit prices
  • Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted
  • This vacancy is open to Mozambican and Foreign Citizens
  • CARE Mozambique is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage applications from women, people with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups
  • We do not tolerate any type of harassment, sexual abuse and exploitation among workers, Implementing Partners and Beneficiaries
  • We do not make any kind of charges for any type of hiring and we do not proceed through recruitment agents.
  • We offer a competitive compensation package and the possibility to build a career in the development sector, through long-term engagement and access to resources and experience around the world
  • For any enquiry, please refer to cc Any proposals received after this date and time will not be accepted. If the organization submitting a proposal must outsource or contract any work to meet the requirements contained herein, this must be clearly stated in the proposal
  • Additionally, all costs included in proposals must be all-inclusive to include any outsourced or contracted work. Any proposals which call for outsourcing or contracting work must include a name and description of the organizations being contracted
How to Apply
1. Documentation
  • Cover letter describing how the consultant/firm’s previous experience matches the consultancy objectives. This letter should not be longer than one page
  • A technical proposal explaining how the tasks above will be taken. Including how every Team member will be involved
  • CVs, including experience in similar assignments for the company and individuals. Team members directly involved in the PCVA process must have proven experience in facilitating the PCVA process, regardless of whether the company has had similar experience
  • 2 writing examples of similar work produced by the consultant
  • Financial Proposal. The consultant should provide a detailed budget breakdown and a budget narrative that explains the rationale behind each cost items, justifying the need and relevance of the expenses to the consultancy. Proposals must not exceed $13,400.00 (thirteen thousand and four hundred US dollars) or equivalent. (Please refer to section 4.3 for more information on the budget coverage)
  • A detail of the experience of previously conducted similar assignments and capacity to undertake the assignment
2. Application
  • Send your Documentation to with the Subject line “Participatory Climate Vulnerability Analysis (PCVA) for the CBA-SCALE Southern Africa+ Project: Scaling up Community Action for Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Southern Africa and Beyond”


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