Renamo submitted, this Wednesday, another criminal complaint to the Attorney General’s Office against the general commander of the Police. The party holds Bernardino Rafael responsible for the deaths that occurred during the repetition of elections in some local authorities. In this second criminal involvement against the same leader, the partridge accuses Bernardino Rafael of authorizing disrespect for electoral laws, the shooting of people and arbitrary arrests during the repetition of elections. local elections.”We had elections on the 10th of December, in the four municipalities, in the form of a repetition in Marromeu, partial in Gurué, Nacala-Porto and Milange, but even with that the attitude of the general commander of the Police reduced, it increased. Killed in Gurué, he killed in Marromeu, he is shooting to kill, he doesn’t look back. So, our appeal is that the General Commander of the police must start to reduce this behavior. He is killing the entire country, people are cry”, lamented Glória Salvador, Representative of Renamo. And because there was a strong police contingent on site, Renamo, through its representative, again accused Frelimo of wanting to push the party into war. Hours after Renamo submitted an appeal to annul the ruling that validates local elections, this Tuesday, Venâncio Mondlane’s residence was surrounded by PRM agents. Source:O País

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