Although it is said by mouth that Rwandan support in the fight against terrorist attacks in Cabo Delgado province includes “heads” of Paul Kagame’s opponents in Mozambique, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MINEC) guarantees that there is no extradition agreement for Rwandan citizens arrested and wanted by Rwanda, among memoranda signed last Friday, in the district of Mecúfi, Cabo Delgado province. In an interview with “Carta”, António Macheve, a spokesman for MINEC, said that it is not true that these agreements exist and that the only ones signed concern the commercial and investment areas. These, he explained, join the areas of agriculture, state administration, defense and security, which were already in force between the two countries. It should be noted that the situation of Rwandan refugees in Mozambique remains tense, especially after the abduction of Ntamuhanga Cassien and the murder of Revocat Karemangingo, vice-president of the Association of Rwandan Refugees in Mozambique. In fact, a few days ago, the members of the association called for an urgent intervention by the African Union and the Southern African Development Community, in order to stop the persecution they are targeted. (O.O.) Source: Carta de Moçambique

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